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The Bar is a magical restriction that can be used to prevent an individual from entering a particular building, such as Grundy's Department Store. Alexandra Quick, David Washington, Benjamin and Mordecai Rash, and Larry Albo were Barred from the Department Store in August of 2007, though they were allowed to return in August of 2008.

  • BAR
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • BAR
  • Bar
  • BAR
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • BAR
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • Bar
  • The Bar is a magical restriction that can be used to prevent an individual from entering a particular building, such as Grundy's Department Store. Alexandra Quick, David Washington, Benjamin and Mordecai Rash, and Larry Albo were Barred from the Department Store in August of 2007, though they were allowed to return in August of 2008.
  • Bar – pomieszczenie na tyle duże, aby zmieścił się tam barman czyszczący szklankę i zmęczony życiem klient.
  • Lord Bar war Kanzler Archenlands und ein Spion des Tis'roc. Als er erfuhr, dass der neugeborene Cor Archenland vor einer tödlichen Gefahr retten würde, entführte er den Säugling. Er flüchtete mit einer Galeere, doch schließlich konnte Lune, Cors Vater, ihn einholen und in ein Gefecht verwickeln. Bar schickte einen Ritter mit Cor in ein Beiboot und starb kurz darauf in der Schlacht vom großen Ozean.
  • Bar is a peice of Magyk used to block a door rendering it unable to open without the use of UnBar.[citation needed] This peice of Magyk was used by Marcia Overstrand to slow down the Assasin sent by DomDaniel to kill Jenna Heap with a Silver Bullet.[citation needed]
  • The Bar is where the player drinks beer, buy booze, and play Drunken Darts. The player can also get in a bar fight with a black stick figure opponent named Sticky. When buying booze, give it to the hobo near the bar or go to the bus depot, go somewhere and sell it.
  • BAR is the name for several generic drinking establishments throughout the galaxy. There is a BAR in Ulence Flats in the Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (original version) era. Part of the Oasis BAR franchise. Another BAR known by spacers that frequent the place as Barfy's (after its owner Barfy) is located on Magmetheus. There was even a BAR on the Nova Space Station, Molly's Chug & Glug SpaceBar. These maybe franchises of the Oasis BAR.
  • W Sunset Valley oraz Riverview ulokowano go w centrum miasta, nieopodal szpitali. Natomiast w Bridgeport bar umieszczono na wysepce z dala od labiryntu wysokościowców. Bar nie cieszy się dobrą reputacją. Czasem z mauzoleum, możemy dostać ostrzeżenie przed jedzeniem w tym miejscu. Parcelę czasem odwiedza Mroczny Kosiarz. Wychodzi on z zaplecza co parę dni.
  • A Bar is a piece of metal that is obtained from smelting ore in the Smithing skill. Bars can be made into armour and weapons by using them with an anvil. Iron bars, silver bars, gold bars and mithril bars can be exchanged for certificates at Draynor Village market, with Miles, or at Zanaris, with Watto, to trade bulk amounts of bars easier and faster.
  • Bars are a group of similar lot assignments introduced in The Sims 3: Late Night and The Sims 4.
  • The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle is a Light Machine Gun found in every World War II installment of Call of Duty and in Call of Duty: Black Ops.
  • In the anime, BAR was used as a hostage site for Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe, Vash the Stampede, Stephanie's butler, and Stephanie Bostok, by a group of bandits. The bar later gets torn up by the group of mercenaries hired by Stan to go inside to get Stephanie and they go crazy.
  • The Bar is a place to drink and play chess. The Bar in Mirith was also formerly a place to train Anatomy during the Ice War, as it was the temporary home of several displaced residents of Welif and Port Gast.
  • Das Browning Automatic Rifle oder kurz B.A.R. ist ein von John Moses Browning um 1918 zur Kampfeinheitenunterstützung entwickeltes, leichtes Maschinengewehr. Das B.A.R. enthält ein 20 Schuss fassendes Magazin und wiegt geladen 8,8 kg, was für ein Maschinengewehr leicht, für ein Sturmgewehr, was es ursprünglich war, aber zu schwer ist.thumb|Eine BAR Es ist in allen Call of Duty-Teilen, welche im zweiten Weltkrieg spielen, vertreten.
  • Gor Na Bar – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to strażnik świątynny przebywający w Starej Kopalni.
  • Diese Rate ist die günstigste (oder die beste) Rate, die man in einem Hotel buchen kann. Meist wird diese Rate an Wochenenden oder während der Ferienzeit angeboten, wenn die Auslastung im Hotel geringer ist als sonst. Erhältlich ist so eine Rate z. B. über das Internet.
  • The BAR, or M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, is an American machinegun/early assault rifle that is available on all of Call of Duty: World at War Nazi Zombies maps. This weapon is in Nacht der Untoten, Zombie Verruckt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. The BAR can be purchased off the wall in Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt and Shi No Numa. On Verrückt, it comes with an unusable bipod. The BAR has a small ammo capacity, medium range, and a low rate of fire. Double Tap Root Beer can aid in the weapon's slow fire rate, which becomes essential at higher levels.
  • In World of Warcraft, a bar usually refers to one of several things: 1. * A purer form of a metal produced after smelting raw ore with the Mining profession. 2. * A UI feature such as the Interface Bar made up of a horizontal arrangement of other UI elements such as buttons. 3. * A UI feature to indicate the current quantity status of some attribute like Energy, Health, Mana, or Rage. 4. * A drinking establishment.
  • Karabin maszynowy Browning M1918, w skrócie BAR – ręczny karabin maszynowy, używany przez siły zbrojne Stanów Zjednoczonych. Występuje w każdej grze serii Call of Duty, w której akcja toczy się w czasach II wojny światowej oraz w Call of Duty: Black Ops.
  • BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) — оружие поддержки, встречающийся в Call of Duty, United Offensive, Roads to Victory, Finest Hour, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3 и World at War.
  • BAR (англ. Bar) — оружие в Wasteland 2.
  • A bar is where hippies and whores go to meet others just like them, instead of going to church to meet healthy and loving people so they can make babies in the Name of The Lord, Amen.
  • Bar - Zählwort "Zwölfte(r/s)" in der Talar-nyboz. Da die Zahl Zwölf den Ter-baak als Zahl der Menschen gilt, wird Bar auch als ehrenvolle Anrede gebraucht, und zwar sowohl für einzelne Personen wie auch eine Gruppe von Personen, da die Talar-nyboz nicht zwischen Singular und Plural unterscheidet.
  • Il bar è il luogo in cui chiunque può rifornirsi della benzina per l'uomo a poco prezzo, molti ne approfittano per fare il pieno. L'offerta è valida anche per i minorenni che non fanno la spia ai carabinieri.
  • En bar er en liten versjon av en restaurant. Det finnes to versjoner av barer: * Espressobar * Smoothiebar
  • Bars appear several times in the Wings of Liberty campaign and can even be infested.
  • The BAR is a machine gun with 20 ammo in a clip, and 60 ammo in stock. * Caliber: .30-06 * Kickback: 5 * Max. Kickback: 24 * Damage: 75 * Fire Rate: 7.5 shots/sec
  • Bar is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Bar has a core on Barrois. They can be released as a vassal if in control of the province, or be released independently in a peace deal.
  • Bar may refer to: * Bar, Sindarin word for a home or settlement * Bar or Barûn, a Númenórean title equivalent to Lord or Baron * Bár the Dwarf
  • BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) — автоматическая винтовка или легкий ручной пулемёт конструкции Джона Мозеса Браунинга. Конструктивно представляет собой оружие с воздушным охлаждением ствола, газоотводной автоматикой и магазинным питанием. Более точный и мощный, не говоря уже об экономичности, по сравнению с м2. Категория:Тяжелое оружие Категория:Оружие Категория:5,56-mm
  • Le bar est accessible à tous les colons et les visiteurs. Cela améliore le moral.
  • [[Datei:1.16 - Bar.jpg|thumb|right|250px|J.D. und Perry in der Bar. ([[]])]] Die Bar ist in der Nähe des Sacred Heart und wird von den Mitarbeitern oft benutzt, um sich nach einem langen Arbeitstag zu entspannen.
  • Bar eli harkko on metallinen tavara, joka on jalostettu malmista. Harkkoja tehdään sulattamalla hiiltä ja malmia keskenään sulatusuunissa ja prosessissa saa takomiskokemusta. Kaikkiin harkkoihin ei tarvitse hiiltä. Harkoista valmistetaan pääasiassa haarniskoja ja aseita. Malmeja ja hiiltä löytää eri puolilta Gielinoria useista eri paikoista.
  • A bar is an establishment in the Grand Theft Auto series that allows the player to drink with friends as a social activity. While bars have been commonly included as part of street scenery in the GTA series, it is only in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Grand Theft Auto V where bars are interactive. The function of bars may occasionally interchange with nightclubs, but is still primarily associated with the simple act of drinking.
  • Bar was the name of the cantina of the asteroid station Darkside. Visitor Xav Verivax spent a time there while in Darkside.
  • A bar (also called a pub or tavern) is an establishment that serves beverages, usually alcoholic. A bar also refers to a long raised counter at which people cam place orders and staff collect served orders. The person who tends the bar is usually called a bartender and may also be the owner of the establishment. Many bars also serve food for their customers and include some type of entertainment from recorded or live music, gambling or stage performers. Crew lounges aboard Federation starships often took the form of bars.
  • A bar is, simply put, a tavern or public house located in a spaceport. However, in the context of Nova, a bar is a social center and hiring hall for all manner of spacefarers and those who do business with them. Certain types of employment (generally involving illegal activity or requiring confidentiality) are only available in bars. Bars are also the place to hire escorts or to do a little gambling.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ The Bar is a recurring building within most of the cities in the Choro-Q HG 2 World. Despite its name, the bar tells you about the locations of all Choro-Q coin in its vicinity. The Bartender will greet the player and will tell you a clue on where a Choro-Q coin is. If all coins in the area have been collected, the Bartender cannot tell you anything else.
  • The bar is a unit of pressure defined as 100 kilopascals. It is about equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level. Other units derived from the bar are the megabar (symbol: Mbar), kilobar (symbol: kbar), decibar (symbol: dbar), centibar (symbol: cbar), and millibar (symbol: mbar or mb). They are not SI units, nor are they cgs units, but they are accepted for use with the SI. The bar is widely used in descriptions of pressure because it is only about 1% smaller than the atmosphere (symbol: atm), which now is defined to be 0.132509999999999021.32509999999999023.25099999999990172.50999999999902465.099999999990132 bar exactly. The bar is legally recognized in countries of the European Union.
  • In the United States, legal distinctions often exist between restaurants, bars, and even types of bars. These distinctions vary from state to state, and even among municipalities. Beer bars (sometimes called taverns or pubs) may be legally restricted to only selling beer or possibly wine, cider and other low-proof beverages. Liquor bars sell everything from beer to hard liquor.
  • Koniec szkoły, matura zdana. Czego więcej chcieć od życia. Wystarczyło tylko znaleźć pracę i w końcu zarabiać swoje własne pieniądze. Tak bardzo chciałbym wyjść w sobotni wieczór z kumplami na miasto, odwiedzać ekskluzywne kluby, pić drogie alkohole i bawić się w najlepsze do rana, nie przejmować się marnymi kieszonkowymi otrzymanymi od rodziców. Myśl ta zdeterminowała mnie do podjęcia jakiejkolwiek pracy od zaraz. Na szczęście kierunek szkoły, który skończyłem to praca w restauracji, bądź w barze, więc nie martwiłem się o przyjęcie do jakiegoś lokalu, bo w moim mieście takich nie brakuje. Pierwsze o czym pomyślałem to pewien bar niedaleko mojego domu, jakieś 700 m stąd. Może tam mi się powiedzie i dostane moją pierwszą poważną robotę.
  • The bar appears in Madness Combat 7.5, where the members of the A.A.H.W. are throwing a party, in celebration of one of their enemies being defeated. It is located within the A.T.P. soldat manufacturing facility. Behind the bar, there is a shelf holding numerous bottles of beer with a soda dispenser next to it. On the other side, there is a refrigerator. Above the bar there is a A.T.P. soldat monitoring station. It's possible that the Auditor knew about Sanford and Deimos before the agents had the party, so he left two A.T.P. soldats to look after the agents and a computer for them to contact him if anything appeared.
  • Ripropongo, nonostante me l'abbiate bocciata in assemblea, di iniziare i corsi di fisica al secondo semestre del primo anno. facendo così si capirebbe meglio la fisica perchè si avrebbero, almeno in parte, gli strumenti matematici per affrontarla. pregherei di non pensare alla logistica del problema, ma al problema in sé e per sé. mi rendo conto benissimo che tutti gli altri corsi di fisica andrebbero in avanti di un semestre e che bisognerebbe stravolgere tutto il cdl. japs (Copio dal forum. Sap)
  • Le Bar est un poisson présent dans toute la série Animal Crossing. C'est un poisson commun se trouvant dans la rivière et pouvant être vendu 300 Clochettes. On en trouve toute l'année, toute la journée et sa taille moyenne est de 50 cm. Dans Animal Crossing sur Gamecube, il existe deux variantes du bar : le petit bar et le grand bar. Ils sont comptés à part dans la liste même s'ils appartienent à la même espèce. Lors de la pêche du Bar, les phrases suivantes sont écrites en commentaires:
  • Some bars must be smelt with coal (e.g. runite ore), while others only require the ore itself (e.g. gold ore). The Blast Furnace can assist in the process by allowing a player to smith bars requiring only half the coal needed. However, bars such as bronze bars require copper ore and tin ore to be smelt together. There are some quest related metal bars, such as the Elemental bar and 'Perfect' gold bar. These bars require special conditions and materials to be made then usually made into something special for use during the quest. Currently known Quests that require such special bars are:
  • Een Bar is een metalen staaf die gemaakt wordt door ores te smelten en die kan tot wapens of armour gesmeden kunnen worden. Ores kunnen verkregen worden in mijnen die overal in Gielinor te vinden zijn. Daarna kan de speler de ores omsmelten tot bars met behulp van de Smithing skill en van die bars dan metalen voorwerpen, vooral wapens en armour, maken, ook met de Smithing skill. Voorbeelden van zulke quests zijn: * Elemental Workshop I, II, III en IV * Lunar Diplomacy * Family Crest * The Knight's Sword
  • Some bars must be smelt with coal (e.g. runite ore), while others only require the ore itself (e.g. gold ore). The Blast Furnace can assist in the process by allowing a player to smith bars requiring only half the coal needed. However, bars such as bronze bars require copper ore and tin ore to be smelt together. There are some quest related metal bars, such as the Elemental bar and 'perfect' gold bar. These bars require special conditions and materials to be made then usually made into something special for use during the quest. Currently known Quests that require such special bars are:
  • The M1918 is a selective fire, air-cooled automatic Rifle using a gas-operated long-stroke piston rod actuated by propellant gases bled through a vent in the barrel. The bolt is locked by a rising bolt lock. The gun fires from an open bolt. The spring-powered cartridge casing extractor is contained in the bolt and a fixed ejector is installed in the trigger group. The BAR is striker fired (the bolt carrier serves as the striker) and uses a trigger mechanism with a fire selector lever that enables operating in either semi-automatic or fully automatic firing modes. The selector lever is located on the left side of the receiver and is simultaneously the manual safety (selector lever in the “S” position – weapon is "safe", “F” – single "fire", “A” – "automatic" fire). The “safe” setting blocks
  • Auch im Bereich der Bar ist es wichtig vorbereitet zu sein. Aus diesem Grund ist es auch hier wichtig mit Checklisten zu arbeiten! Im Barbereich gibt es, wie in anderen Bereichen des Hotels auch mehrere Checklisten für die unterschiedlichsten Aufgaben. Hierbei gibt es zum Beispiel Checklisten für: * Barstock (Bezeichnung für alle sich an der Bar befindlichen Getränken z. B.: Spirituosen, Säfte, Biere...) * Bar-Setup (Vorbereitung sowie Vorbereitungsarbeiten für den Tag/Nacht) * Bar-Cleanup (Nachbereitung und Reinigungsarbeiten)
  • Im Alltagsgebrauch wird der Druck oft mit Bezug auf den atmosphärischen Druck gemessen. D.h. wenn jemand sagt, seine Fahrradreifen haben einen Druck von 2,3 bar, dann haben sie tatsächlich 2,3 bar über dem atmosphärischen Druck (von ca. 1 bar), d.h. etwa 3,3 bar absolut. Für absolute Druckangaben werden auch die Schreibweisen „bara“, „bar(a)“ und „bar abs.“ (für „bar absolut“) verwendet. Für relative Druckangaben werden auch die Schreibweisen „bar/Ü“, „Bar/rel“ und „barg“ (bar gauge) verwendet.
  • BAR SPELL Thought school (22% complexity) (No Specific Target) target, 2 second cast time Classes granted this spell: Psionic Races granted this spell: (No player races) Spell Points Required: 40 to 105 Has a base multiplier of 0.0. Costs 2.4 practices per percent learned. This spell can be cast without a spellbook. NAME bar - magically locks a door SYNOPSIS cast bar DESCRIPTION This spell allows the caster to mentally manipulate the lock of a door, fusing the mechanism into a solid lump and making it impossible to open. However, locked doors can still be bashed in by an especially powerful SEE ALSO
  • A bar (sometimes called a pub or tavern) could refer to a business where alcohol, such as beer or wine (or synthehol or synthale) is served, or the distinctive raised counter typically found within on which drinks are served. The workers who staff the bar are called bartenders. Ten-Forward had a bar, and Guinan was the bartender.
  • Eine Bar ist eine Einrichtung, in der hauptsächlich Getränke verkauft werden. Manchmal bieten Bars auch, ähnlich wie Restaurants, Speisen an, dies ist jedoch nicht ihr Hauptbetätigungsfeld. Dem entsprechend besucht man Bars nicht vorrangig zum Essen, sondern zum Trinken und um sich mit Freunden und Bekannten zu treffen und zu unterhalten. Viele Bars beiten als weitere Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten Spiele und Musik an, oder stellen Holosuiten zur Verfügung.
  • Some types of metal bars needing only Apprentice skill (1 - 75) level to smelt: * Copper Bar (1) * Tin Bar (50) * Bronze Bar (50) * Silver Bar (65) Some rarer types of metal bars needing Journeyman skill (76 - 150) level to smelt: * Iron Bar (100) * Gold Bar (115) * Steel Bar (125) Much rarer types of metal bars needing Expert skill (151 - 225) level to smelt: * Mithril Bar (150) * Truesilver Bar (165) Very rare types of metal bars needing Artisan skill (226 - 300) level to smelt: Some require Alchemy (275) to create: * Arcanite Bar * Fel Iron Bar (275)
  • Großbritannien
  • 4(xsd:integer)
  • Level 4
  • Poziom 4
  • 1(xsd:integer)
  • 0(xsd:integer)
  • 6(xsd:integer)
  • 25(xsd:double)
  • 1024(xsd:integer)
  • ,
  • Большой
  • 20(xsd:integer)
  • 180(xsd:integer)
  • 300(xsd:integer)
  • 20(xsd:integer)
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