| - Writer for Journal of Psychiatric Clinicians.
- It will instantly delete all of your files, and leave you messages.
- Cyclooxygenase or COX is a naturally occuring enzyme involved in creating the prostaglandins involved in inflammation. Some painkillers, most obviously aspirin and ibuprofen, inhibit the action of COX and reduce inflammation. However, COX is also involved in the protection of the stomach lining, and COX inhibitors result in gastritis as a common side effect, Newer painkillers target only the type of COX that affect inflammation, preventing the gastric upset.
- Dr. Cox ist ein Psychologe der Föderation. Nach dem Tod von Tora Ziyal und der Gefangennahme von Gul Dukat behandelt Dr. Cox den Cardassianer, bis er diesen für verhandlungstauglich erklärt, woraufhin Dukat zu einer Anhörung nach Sternenbasis 621 gebracht werden soll. Der Doktor ermuntert Dukat in den Sitzungen immer wieder, über seine Tochter zu sprechen, da ihr Tod die Ursache seiner Instabilität ist. (DS9: )
- Fourteen years after Emergence Day, during the beginning of the Lightmass Offensive, Cox was in charge of the COG army's Centaur units. Col. Victor Hoffman ordered Lt. Donneld Mathieson to contact Cox and pass on orders for Cox to direct all available Centaur units not already deployed to patrol between Timgad and the East Barricade.
- Cox war der Partner des berühmten Detektiven Halford Ramsey.
- The Cox was a club ran by Gay Tony in Liberty City mentioned in The Ballad of Gay Tony as a club of "Yesteryear".
- He encouraged Dukat to talk about his daughter, Tora Ziyal, whenever possible, since her death caused his descent into mental instability. Prior to stardate 51408.6, Dr. Cox and his colleagues declared that Dukat had made a "remarkable recovery", allowing him to appear before a Federation Special Jury. (DS9: "Waltz") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- Later on while they continued to investigate the murders, Cox and Halford ventured into city of Gilneas where they discovered a ritual that was developed by a cult inside an antique shop that belonged to an owner that was also affiliated with the cult. Now knowing that the rebels had nothing to do with these murders, Cox and Halford continued to pursue their suspects and follow their trail to the Blackwald. After Halford was attacked by one of the worgen and was presumed to have been killed, Cox fled and traveled safely to the Greymane Manor to inform the King of Halford’s death.
- Cox Enterprises is the successor to the publishing company founded in Dayton, Ohio, by James Middleton Cox, who began with the Dayton Daily News. The company is private, 98% controlled by the octogenarian daughters of Cox, Barbara Cox Anthony and Anne Cox Chambers, two of the richest women in America, worth $10.3 billion each according to Forbes Magazine. The CEO is Anthony's son, James C. Kennedy.