The group are still discussing the whereabouts of the other peasants.
You find the second group of bodies. The bodies are covered in arrows.
The third group are scattered around.
A group of peasants are gathered in a room. They're discussing the disappearance of three different groups that left the castle a few days ago.
"I bet they're all dead. We shouldn't try and leave if they're all dead. I don't want to be dead."
There is a cluster of three bodies laying in the ground. They vaguely resemble the description given by the peasants.
All dead? What shall we do, we can't stay here. The peasants push you out of the room and close the door. You hear a heated discussion ensue behind the door.
Amongst the bodies is a small toy bear.
They appear to have randomly been dismembered.
You decide to investigate the disappearance of the peasants.
The third group appear to have deadly burns. There are no survivors.