| - Back in Crowe's office, Crowe jokingly asks Kurt how he feels about being a Nameless, to which Kurt could say nothing good of. Crowe gives Kurt his new orders, which involves the taking over of Aslone in 72 hours. The 422's would engage the Imperial army in guerilla warfare, in preparation for the main army's arrival. A tall order for the small party, Crowe as well, offering no apology and assistance. Kurt however, has different intentions for the raid, thinking it would be a good opportunity for his men to open up to him. No. 15: "I didn't think I was ready to die. So I did not take part."
| - Back in Crowe's office, Crowe jokingly asks Kurt how he feels about being a Nameless, to which Kurt could say nothing good of. Crowe gives Kurt his new orders, which involves the taking over of Aslone in 72 hours. The 422's would engage the Imperial army in guerilla warfare, in preparation for the main army's arrival. A tall order for the small party, Crowe as well, offering no apology and assistance. Kurt however, has different intentions for the raid, thinking it would be a good opportunity for his men to open up to him. Back in camp, Kurt tells Gusurg to gather 5 people who he thinks would be of assistance to the operation, and Kurt asks them what their reasons are for not participating in the previous battle. The men are uncooperative, and refuse to submit to his authority. Gusurg steps in, and the people give in. No. 15: "I didn't think I was ready to die. So I did not take part." No. 21: "I didn't want to lose my friends, so I chose the best way to keep my friends, by running away." No. 24: "I did want to participate, but everyone else stopped me.." No. 56: "Didn't feel like it, didn't participate." No. 32: "Our commanding wasn't around, so I thought we didn't have a duty to take part." Kurt: "Commander wasn't around?" Gusurg: "Originally, the position of leader was to have all of the squad vote and decide. You may have been the highest ranked around here, but we didn't see an official letter of appointment." Kurt: "That is true, I was merely reallocated here, I wasn't told to be the commanding officer." Gusurg: "I may have told you to be our commander Kurt, but the rest of the squad weren't present to make that decision with me. Your words don't carry much authority here Kurt." Kurt: "Is this how this squad officially operates?" Gusurg: "It's how the Nameless do things. It's something we pass down to each other for a long time. You can check it with Crowe." Kurt: "That will be fine." No. 21 protests, saying that the rest of the Nameless all think Gusurg is more fit to be the commander than Kurt is, but Gusurg defends Kurt, saying that a man of Darcsen heritage commanding the group would only bring more ire upon the Nameless. Gusurg implores the rest of the group to withhold their opinions on Kurt Irving, telling them that it would be best for them to fight under his command at least once in order to see his ability for themselves. If they are still unsatisfied, Gusurg may consider taking up command. The men are convinced by Gusurg and decide to follow his advice. Gusurg reiterating to Kurt for him to prove his worth to the men.