| - The Rock Golem is an enemy encounter in Suikoden III.
- Strange Rock FormationUnknown edit
- Rock Golem on heikko kivimonsteri jonka löytää Enchanted Valleystä louhimalla kiviä. Se on ainoa keino, jolla voi haastaa Rock golemin. Se pudottaa aina isot luut ja joskus voi myös pudottaa Lone bonen. Sen kallein droppi on Rune ore.
- A Rock Golem is a humanoid pile of rock, magically animated to become a powerful adversary in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. Usually encountered singly, or in pairs, they present a formidable threat and are hostile to most races that encounter them.
- solid rock 50.1%
- A slow creature formed of stone with fists that resemble two hammers.
- The Rock Golem was a monster cut from Splatterhouse (2010).
- The rock golem was a Mining random event, but is now discontinued. Like the river troll and the tree spirit, the rock golem would randomly attack a player that gathers the resource that it guards; in this case, ores from rocks. The rock golem's level, like all other random guardians, was relative to the player. Their cry was: "Raarrrgghh! Flee human!"
- Giant creatures who live in the mountains, very solitary creatures, it is rare to see them with any other creatures. They are esentially an enchanted pile of rocks turned humanoid (Not Known Who Did This). Incredibly strong defense and attack, huge health their only weakness is their speed, as they are one of the slowest enemies in the island. The Mage's Guild is determined to stop them. These powerful creatures are tameable but only one person to date has been able to do it.
- When a player receives the pet, it will automatically try to appear as their follower. At the same time, a red message in the chatbox will state You have a funny feeling like you're being followed. When mining, the pet is prioritised over the resource gathered. For example, if there is one last inventory space while mining, and the player already has a pet following them, the pet will appear in the inventory instead, while the ore mined will drop to the ground. When this occurs, the message in the chatbox will instead state You feel something weird sneaking into your backpack.
- Rock Golems are huge, lumbering creatures that were crafted from magically imbued stone. These unthinking automatons were created to act as guardians over precious treasures and entranceways - and occasionally as bodyguards for eccentric wizards. Rock Golems are incredibly durable and feel no pain from either physical or magical attacks. They never tire - and they never relent their brutal attacks once activated. Rock golems roam and trundle across the broken landscape of the Searing Gorge. (LoC 79) (WoWRPG 17)
- A rock golem can be found in the Enchanted Valley by mining the rocks in the south-western corner. The Enchanted Valley is the only place where you can still find the rock golem, alongside many other discontinued random event monsters. It no longer drops pickaxes or various ores upon death, instead dropping big bones along with the occasional long bone, and as such is generally killed for a novelty.