| - Level: 40 Power Level: 60, Mastercraft MP Level: 55 Price: 1125 Z-Tokens Sellback: 1013 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 563 Z-Tokens afterward Location: Quest for the Terror Set Element: Neutral DEFENSE MODIFIERS Melee: 40 Ranged: 30 Magic: 40 ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES Fire: 90% Water: 90% Ice: 90% Wind: 72% Earth: 90% Energy: 95% Light: 100% Darkness: 69% FEAR Hits: 1 Damage: 349.35% Base, Random, and Stat Damage Type: «As Weapon» Element: Darkness BtH: +9 plus Stats Effect: If the hit connects, then it attempts to make the monster Afraid (4 turns; 25% chance of not acting†)*, subject to a save**:
| - Level: 40 Power Level: 60, Mastercraft MP Level: 55 Price: 1125 Z-Tokens Sellback: 1013 Z-Tokens for the first 48 hours, 563 Z-Tokens afterward Location: Quest for the Terror Set Element: Neutral DEFENSE MODIFIERS Melee: 40 Ranged: 30 Magic: 40 ELEMENTAL RESISTANCES Fire: 90% Water: 90% Ice: 90% Wind: 72% Earth: 90% Energy: 95% Light: 100% Darkness: 69% NORMAL ATTACK ATTACK #1 Hits: 1 Damage: 137% Base, Random, and Stat Damage Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» BtH: +9 plus Stats Rate: 50% ATTACK #2 Hits: 2 Damage: 137% Base, Random, and Stat Damage each Type: «As Weapon» Element: «As Weapon» BtH: +9 plus Stats each Rate: 50% SKILLS FEAR Hits: 1 Damage: 349.35% Base, Random, and Stat Damage Type: «As Weapon» Element: Darkness BtH: +9 plus Stats Effect: If the hit connects, then it attempts to make the monster Afraid (4 turns; 25% chance of not acting†)*, subject to a save**: Note: This is a skill. Your weapon's Special can still occur. If it does, then you do the Special instead, and you don't spend any SP. Cost: 128 SP
* Level: 60 vs MonsterLvl Major: 140 vs MonsterCHA Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK The monster gets a +20 bonus to its save. Darkness-element monsters are immune to this effect***. †FULL SET BONUS If you switch out an item so that you're no longer in the full Terror Set, then these bonuses disappear.
* Your foe stands strong in face of your assault!
* Creatures of Darkness are immune to your Fear!
* Your foe trembles before the true meaning of Fear! DESCRIPTION Striking pure fear into the hearts of your enemies is what this armor was forged to do!