| - Faith becomes a bad influence to Buffy and accidentally kills Sunnydale's deputy mayor. Wilkins casts an invincibility spell on himself. First appearance of Wesley.
* Accidental Murder: Deputy Mayor Finch suddenly appears while Buffy and Faith are fighting El Eliminati vampires. Buffy only realises he's human a second before Faith stakes him.
* Adventure Duo: Buffy and Faith, the Chosen Two.
* Aesop Amnesia: Xander has clearly lost what self-confidence he gained by the end of "The Zeppo"; indeed his image as a loser is something he'll struggle with throughout the series. Buffy at the Bronze interacts with Angel in a highly-sexual manner; fortunately Angel is more focused.
* Awesome but Impractical: The compound longbow Faith stole from the shop. Also the swords used by El Iliminati.
* Badass Bookworm: Giles taunts his captor, defies the threat of torture and engages in some serious sword-wielding. One wonders why Wesley doesn't just give up and go home.
* Bait and Switch Comment: Buffy tries to convince Faith to play along with their new Watcher.
* Buffy-Speak: Wesley is reading from Giles' first diary entry on Buffy.
* Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: Mayor Wilkins daily planner.
* Call Back: "I hate it when they drown me." That incident also lead to Buffy acting out in an irresponsible fashion in "When She Was Bad". It also serves as Foreshadowing to Buffy's dream in the next episode.
* Can't Get Away with Nuthin': While raiding a shop for weapons, Faith lectures Buffy on the simplicity of life as a Slayer: Want, Take, Have. A few smashed display cases later, the police shows up. Whoops.
* Captain Obvious: Buffy and Faith are fighting off a horde of vampires.
* Casual Danger Dialogue: In the Action Prologue Faith is grilling Buffy on why she never slept with Xander.
* Chekhov's Gun / Foreshadowing: While looting the sporting goods store Faith takes an interest in a compound longbow while Buffy likes a wall display of knives. In "Graduation Day, Part One" Faith will use the longbow to shoot Angel while Buffy uses a knife on Faith.
* Counting to Three: Faith naturally charges in on "one". When she claims that it's impossible to plan these things, Buffy gripes that counting to three isn't a plan, it's Sesame Street.
* Deadpan Snarker: Wesley's presence brings Giles' talent up to full strength.
* Defiant to the End: A bound Wesley and Giles are brought before Balthazar.
* Description Cut: Wesley checks his watch and says that according to his "mission scenario" his Slayer will be back in one minute. Cut to Buffy and Faith surrounded by sword-wielding vampires.
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: Best friends drawn apart because one of them meets someone new and more exciting.
* Dirty Coward / Miles Gloriosus: He's killed three vampires (under controlled conditions) but Wesley quickly spills his guts when threatened with Kneecapping.
* Dual-Wielding
* Evil Laugh: More like an evil chuckle by the Mayor.
* Falling Chandelier of Doom / Electrified Bathtub
* Fat Bastard / Large Ham / Red Eyes, Take Warning: Balthazar
* Good Scars, Evil Scars: During the Bronze scene, Buffy is shown to have a still-bloody cut on her upper arm which she doesn't even try to hide.
* Glasses Pull: Wesley and Giles start cleaning their glasses simultaneously; Giles stops when he notices this.
* The Glomp: Buffy, revved up after staking vampires and dancing with Faith, leaps into Angel's arms.
* Handy Cuffs: Averted; Buffy and Faith are cuffed with their hands behind their backs.
* Heart Symbol: In a scene laden with Les Yay subtext, Faith entices Buffy out of a chemistry test for some vampire slaying by breathing on the window, then drawing a love heart with a stake through it.
* Hostage for McGuffin: Wesley suggests this after he and Giles are captured.
* Just Friends
* Kleptomaniac Heroine: Buffy and Faith enjoy looting the sporting goods store until the police arrive.
* Lame Comeback
* Leeroy Jenkins: Faith's M.O.
* Les Yay: Loads and loads between Buffy and Faith.
* Let's Fight Like Gentlemen: Vincent waves his sword at Buffy and suggests they settle this honorably. After getting the drop on Buffy he says, "Well, then, let's just settle it" and dunks her head in water.
* Let's You and Him Fight: The Mayor hopes the Slayers and El Eliminati will kill each other, and tells Trick to feed them the required information.
* Mating Dance: Buffy and Faith dance wildly at the Bronze surrounded by three hunky guys. Tellingly the two girls face each other the whole time.
* Mook Chivalry
* Musicalis Interruptus: When Faith stabs Finch.
* Punctuated Pounding: "I have never...done it...with Xander!"
* My Girl Is a Slut: When Buffy hauls Faith away from the three guys she was dancing with, Faith points at all three and asks them to call her.
* The Mole: Implied with Finch; what was he doing with the Eliminati in the first place? And who got Vincent past the Mayor's security? The following episode suggests however that he may have been trying to contact the Slayers as a whistleblower.
* Murder by Mistake: Poor Deputy Mayor Finch.
* Nigh Invulnerability: The Mayor gets this power. Big trouble ahead.
* Out, Damned Spot!: Faith is vigorously and obsessively scrubbing her hands and clothes after killing Finch.
* Proud Warrior Race Guy: El Eliminati
* Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Faith's philosophy.
* Super Window Jump: Buffy and Faith actually use this as a weapon by crashing into a vampire nest in broad daylight, setting one vampire on fire and causing the rest to flee in panic.
* Suspiciously Apropos Music: Some of the lyrics for "Chinese Burn" by Curve, the song playing for the Buffy/Faith dance.
* Take Me Instead! / Walk in Chime In
* Terse Talker: Wesley asks for a debriefing on last night's mission. Buffy replies, "Vampires. Killed 'em."
* Tested on Humans: The Mayor tries out his new invulnerability by letting Vincent chop his head in half. Now there's a man with confidence.
* Twitchy Eye: Xander's eye twitches whenever Faith's name is mentioned, after having sex with her the previous episode.
* Two Part Episode
* Villain Ball: El Eliminati were a notorious vampire duelist cult that dwindled after an increase in anti-vampire activity "and a lot of pointless dueling".
* Villains Out Shopping: The Mayor, Mr. Trick, and Finch discuss their favorite newspaper comics.
* Wasn't That Fun?: After the Mayor has just completed a dark ritual on his way to becoming a true immortal demon.
* After Faith persuades Buffy to abandon all pretense of strategy and just rush blindly to attack half-a-dozen sword-wielding vampires...
* Why Didn't I Think of That?: Faith enters the library and eyes up Wesley.