- They are fish about the size of a large Guppy that eats baby guppies and resemble a piranha. In Adventure Mode, they drop diamonds that are worth $200 and can be bought for $1000 in Tank 1 and 4. Like all fish, they will die if they are starving too long. In Virtual Tank, they cost 100 shells and 1000 for a colored Carnivore. They drop blue conches worth 5 shells.
- A carnivore, meaning 'meat eater' (Latin carne meaning 'flesh' and vorare meaning 'to devour'), is any animal with a diet consisting mainly of meat, whether it comes from animals living (predation) or dead (scavenging). In a more general sense, an animal may be considered a carnivore if it prefers feeding on animal matter over plant matter. Animals that must eat meat in order to thrive are referred to as obligate carnivores, whereas animals that exclusively feed on animal tissue are known as hypercarnivores. An apex predator is a carnivore that sits at the top of the foodchain.
- Carnivores are the second kind of fish to be encountered in Adventure Mode. A carnivore eats small guppies, and is food for ultravores. It drops diamonds worth $200 in Adventure Mode, Time Trial Mode and Challenge Mode, and costs $1,000.
- Carnivore is a 5th-level Green Element in Chrono Cross. While any character can use this element, Fargo uses this element against the party when fought as a boss on S.S. Invincible.
- Carnivore is an NPC class type.
- thumb|350px|Carnivore – Band Carnivore (dt.: Fleischfresser) aus Brooklyn war von 1982 bis 1988 die zweite Band von Lord Peter Steele. Sie haben besonders geilen, punkigen Thrash Metal gemacht und zählen auch zum Crossover. Carnivore waren wegen ihren Texten aber immer grenzwertig. Während man bei der ersten Scheibe alles auf deren postapokalyptisches Distopia schieben kann, muss man bei der zweiten realitätsbezogenen Scheibe schon aufpassen. Vorgängerband: Fallout (haben nur 2 Stücke gemacht)Nachfolgeband: Type O Negative → Siehe auch S.O.D., Agnostic Front, Madball, Crumbsuckers
- In 2151, T'Pol referred to Humans as "impulsive carnivores." (ENT: "Broken Bow") Contrary to this statement, Humans were also described as omnivores by the Kzinti in The Slaver Weapon. In his 2369 Ode to Spot, Data noted that Spot was an "endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature." (TNG: "Schisms" ) According to Data in 2370, early primates on Earth had often been the prey of larger carnivores and therefore a heightened instict of awareness. (TNG: "Genesis" )
- A carnivore is any animal that only eats the flesh of another animal. Carnivores needed to eat lots of meat to survive, and to get this meat they needed to be good hunters. Here are some of the methods that carnivores used to catch their prey.
- A carnivore is a monster that (when tamed) prefers to eat meat. Tripe and meat created with stone to flesh are considered treats. They will eat any safe Corpses and eggs that they find on the ground. They will eat "people food" such as food rations, pancakes, or fortune cookies if they are hungry and vegetarian food such as fruit and melons if starving. They will not eat vegan corpses such as mold or lichens, nor will they eat tins.
- Carnivore was a restaurant owned by Umak Malaparte and managed by Tony Zombini. It was reknowned for serving real meat, though the meat was human flesh.
- A carnivore is an animal that eats other animals. A carnivore is always the third organism of a food chain, after a producer and a herbivore. Often there are two carnivores in a food chain - one eats the other one.
- Carnivore is a system implemented by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation that is analogous to wiretapping, except in this case, e-mail and other online communications are being tapped instead of telephone conversations. Carnivore is a customizable packet sniffer that can monitor all of a target user's Internet traffic. Carnivore was implemented during the Clinton administration with the approval of the U.S. Attorney General.
- Ghost stories? Well, there aren't any of those around here, but we do have a story that's sort of along those lines. No ghosts or anything, but it could be considered a scary story. Around here it spawned a kind of urban legend. People take it seriously here too. "It's my dog," he said, "I found his...what's left of him." He had purchased a shotgun with slugs, the solid metal shotgun rounds.
- Still saß ich in meinem Zimmer und kaute auf meinem Arm herum. Ich konnte den ganzen Tag nichts anderes machen, als auf meinen Körperteilen herumzukauen. Dieses befriedigende Gefühl, wenn sich meine Schneidezähne in mein Fleisch bohrten und das warme, süße Blut in meinen Mund floss, bereitete mir ein Lächeln auf meinem Gesicht. Als ich etwas festes, langes fühlte riss ich es mir heraus. Wieder durchströmte eine Welle von Schmerzen mein Körperteil. Von den Schmerzen gepeinigt kniff ich meine Augen zusammen und keuchte auf.
- Carnivore is an unintentionally hilarious and campy sci-fi horror novel written by Leigh Scott is a unusual cross between Jurassic Park and John Carpenter's The Thing. In it, a group of researchers and evil russians use chemicals to make a revived and recently hatched Tyrannosaurus Rex baby grow to adult size in a matter of weeks. Because this is a Tyrannosaurus Rex and it does get mistreated, it gets loose and goes on a rampage at an isolated Antarctic research outpost. It then proceeds to eat everyone. Bloody Hilarity Ensues. Because of this, it is immensely entertaining.
- The word also refers to the mammals of the Order Carnivora, many (but not all) of which fit the first definition. Bears are an example of members of Carnivora that are not true carnivores. Carnivores that eat insects primarily or exclusively are called insectivores, while those that eat fish primarily or exclusively are called piscivores. There are also several genera and a few hundred species of carnivorous plants, though these are primarily insectivorous.
- thumb|350px|Carnivore – Band in 1985 Carnivore (dt.: Fleischfresser) aus Brooklyn, New York, USA, war von 1982 bis 1988 die zweite Band von Lord Peter Steele. Sie hat außergewöhnlich genialen, punkigen Thrash Metal gemacht und zählt auch zum Crossover. Carnivore war wegen ihren Texten immer grenzwertig. Während man bei der ersten Scheibe alles auf deren postapokalyptisches Distopia schieben kann, muss man bei der zweiten realitätsbezogeneren Scheibe aufpassen. In den späten 2000ern gab es nochmal Tourneen. Vorgängerband: Fallout (haben nur 2 Stücke gemacht)Nachfolgeband: Type O Negative