| - April: Why don’t we have lunch here? Jon: Good idea. Drake: Come on out Stufful and Rowlet. April: Good idea. Jon: Litten is still worn out from the trial. Mary: Let’s go Litten. Jon: Well, that’s everyone. April: Let’s eat! Jon: Looks great. Mary: Yeah. Jon: Who is that? Rotom-Dex: Pikipek, the Woodpecker Pokemon. Pikipek is a normal and flying type. It can peck at a rate of 16 times a second to drill holes in trees. It uses the holes for food storage and for nesting. Jon: They were nice. Drake: That was nice of you Stufful. April: Well, I’ll begin to clear up. Drake: I’ll help you. April and Drake get up and begin clearing the table and washing up. Jon notices that Mary is upset. Jon: Why are you upset Mary? Mary: Huh? Oh, it’s nothing. Jon: Pokemon know your feelings too you know. Mary: Okay, I’m upset. Jon: About what? Mary: I haven’t got a second Pokemon like all of you. And I barely know how to look after Pokemon. Jon: Litten doesn’t know what to do either. She is just a new Pokemon trying to figure out the world like you are. Litten: Li. Mary: I guess you’re right. Jon: How about we search around for a Pokemon you want to look after. Mary: Really? Jon: Yeah. The other Pokemon haven’t finished lunch yet and you know how long April and Drake take to clear up their stuff. Mary: Yeah. Ok, thanks. Jon: Are you two okay if Mary and I have a look around? April: Yeah, but don’t be too long. We don’t want to send out a search party. Jon: Okay. Mary: Who is that Pokemon? Jon: Use your Pokedex and scan it. Mary’s Pokedex: Pichu, the tiny mouse Pokemon. It is not skilled yet at controlling electricity. If you take your eyes off it, it may shock itself. Pichu: Chu? Jon: Do you want Pichu? Mary: Yeah, Pichu is cute! Jon: Right. Then battle Pichu, but be careful, you are in a forest and if fire type moves miss then you can set fire to the forest. Mary: Right. Let’s go Litten! Jon: Go for it. Mary: Right, use Scratch! Mary: Oh no. Litten, are you okay? Mary: Right, Double Team! Mary: Good work, now Ember! Mary: Way to go, Scratch! Mary: Right. What do I do now? Jon: Grab a Pokeball and throw it at Pichu. Mary: Got it. Jon: Come on. Jon: There you go, you have Pichu. Mary: YES! Mary: A Pichu! Jon: Well done Mary. Mary: Was that Drake and April? Jon: Yeah, let’s go! Mike: Well if it isn’t the other two twerps. Mary: Let them go! Missy: No way! Haze! Jon: Shadow Claw! Mike: No fair! Now, Tackle! Mary: Ember! Missy: You’re rude. Now, Poison Sting! Mareanie uses Poison Sting towards Litten. Mary: Ember! Jon: Focus Blast! Jon: Now, Flamethrower! Mary: Ember! Jon: Great work. April: Can you help? Jon: Shadow Claw! Drake: Thanks for the save. Mary: No problem. Jon: As long as everyone is okay, that’s what matters. April: Yeah, righ guys. Jon: Well, let’s get moving. Mary: Right. Narrator: As our heroes progress along Route 3 towards Iki Town, they stop for a bit of lunch. Mary, feeling upset about only having one Pokemon, wants to catch her second, to which Jon agrees to help her. Soon, after a bit of wandering, they found a Pichu. Mary and Litten worked as a team and fought Pichu, and eventually captured it. However, while they were away, Drake and April got caught by Team Rocket, but Jon and Mary were able to get back in time and save them. Now, our heroes continue clearing up before heading towards Iki town once more.