| - Attacked by Dr. Doom in a New York subway Daredevil must fend off the Latverian monarch, who plans to use Daredevil as his catalyst for revenge against the Fantastic Four. Easily bested by Doom, DD is carried to Doom's limo which is waiting. Dr. Doom then takes Daredevil to the Latverian Embassy, DD revives and tries to free himself along the way, but ultimately fails. Doom then places DD in his specialized prison cell. However, Daredevil manages to escape the cell but is assaulted by the defenses of the embassy. While trying to get to freedom, Dr. Doom gloats over how he manage to cheat death during his last encounter with the FF
- Weakened, Daredevil tries to attack Dr. Doom again, but is once more easily fought off, however this time both are trapped in glass cylinders, and Doom uses a body transferal device to switch bodies with Daredevil.