| - Lieutenant Hess was a Starfleet officer assigned to engineering on Enterprise NX-01 during its maiden voyage in 2151. In that year, Lieutenant Hess was put in charge of engineering while Commander Tucker, Enterprise's chief engineer, departed the vessel with Lieutenant Reed, the ship's armory officer, in order to test the targeting scanners on Shuttlepod 1. Enterprise's captain, Jonathan Archer, issued the order for Lieutenant Hess and her team to begin construction on a new starboard door for launch bay 2, due to its destruction as the result of a collision with a microsingularity. (ENT: "Shuttlepod One")
- Hess ist ein Lieutenant auf der Enterprise (NX-01). Sie ist die Stellvertreterin von Commander Charles Tucker in seiner Abwesenheit. Sie kümmert sich im November 2151 um die Reparatur der Hangartore, nachdem diese durch ein tesnianisches Schiff stark beschädigt worden sind. (ENT: )
- Voiced by Modeled over Designed by Entity name Spawn code Hess was a Black Mesa scientist who was accommodated in the Level 3 Dormitories in the Black Mesa South Wing. There he/she shared room 310 with Landon.
- Hess was a 22nd century Human woman, an Earth Starfleet officer assigned to the Enterprise's engineering section.
- Hess était une officier de Starfleet (Terre) au 22ème siècle, qui a servi à bord de l'Enterprise NX-01 durant sa mission historique. En 2151, le Lieutenant Hess était en charge de l'ingénierie lorsque le Commander Tucker quitta le vaisseau avec le Lieutenant Reed à bord de la Shuttlepod 1. Le Capitaine Jonathan Archer fit passer l'ordre à Hess et son équipe de démarrer la construction d'une nouvelle porte tribord pour la baie de lancement 2, en raison de sa destruction suite à une collision avec une microsingularité. (ENT: "Shuttlepod One")
- in 2015 as larger oil communtily like exxon shell and BP will move into iraning and capstian oil fled leveing hess a large grop of us sales. also it will make bioflues and natural gas for cars throughout the east coast. as oil becomes less valble hess grows becoming very large and sell flues arcoss canamerica.all more oil commaitnes will merge into hess becomeing world largest because timing size and planing.
- Hess is a minor character in Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. He is a Marine stationed at Guadalcanal. During the battle, he fought to an airstrip. The strip came under heavy artillery fire and he ran away. The artillery caught up to him and he was killed.
- Hess är en manlig Tau'ri och är en kadett i USA:s Flygvapen han studerar på Flygvapen Akademi. Under 2001 var han på en föreläsning på akademin när Samantha Carter förläste hans klass om teoretisk astrofysik. (SG1: "Prodigy") kategori:En-gång SG-1 karaktär kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal kategori:Amerikaner
- Professor Hess was a German scientist. He accidentally summoned a group of horned humanoids at a symphony. Agnes Havisham was sent to rescue him and stop them. (PROSE: Risk Assessment)
- Medic Hess of the Space Marine Corps was part of the second assault wave in the Stroggos Campaign.
- Hess es probablemente un científico de Black Mesa que estaba alojado en los dormitorios del nivel 3 en el Ala Sur de Black Mesa. Allí él/ella comparte la habitación 310 con Landon.
- Hess is a Human NPC Merchant that can be found at Blackspore Crafting Station near the Haunted Mines Dungeon. Hess was introduced to the game on August 6, 2013. She sells exclusively Blacksmith Job Items.
- Hess was charged with treason and executed in 24 ABY as the last act of the Wiwibringlo judiciary before the planet's membership into the New Republic was ratified.