| - 3TrainerPoké is a glitch in Pokemon Yellow. It is the Yellow version of 'M from Red and Blue.
- According to the game, its species is the P'v Aq Pokémon, its height is 23'2" and its weight 1031.6 lbs. 3TrainerPoké's sprite, like those of most glitch Pokémon, is composed of scrambled bits of data. Its color palette consists of yellow, red, white,black and some green.
| - According to the game, its species is the P'v Aq Pokémon, its height is 23'2" and its weight 1031.6 lbs. 3TrainerPoké's sprite, like those of most glitch Pokémon, is composed of scrambled bits of data. Its color palette consists of yellow, red, white,black and some green. 3TrainerPoké's glitch effects are limited and generally do no severe damage. It does retain the oddities common to many glitch Pokémon, including instant corruption of a player's Hall of Fame. It also evolves oddly; at level one, it can evolve into Kangaskhan, and at level 128, it can evolve into a Clefairy. It is hard to actually witness these evolutions, however, due to 3TrainerPoké's stats and level change at random.
- 3TrainerPoké is a glitch in Pokemon Yellow. It is the Yellow version of 'M from Red and Blue.