| - The labyrinth is styled after a traditional Japanese festival, with paper lanterns and bonfires abound. In lower floors takes on aspects of a sauna, such as increased heat and silhouettes of posing men on the walls. In order to progress, the player has to perform a series of ceremonies, which either involve bringing a Sacred Flame through a sealed door, or walking through a series of leg-shaped gates in a particular order to unlock a door, or both at once in a few circumstances.
| - The labyrinth is styled after a traditional Japanese festival, with paper lanterns and bonfires abound. In lower floors takes on aspects of a sauna, such as increased heat and silhouettes of posing men on the walls. In order to progress, the player has to perform a series of ceremonies, which either involve bringing a Sacred Flame through a sealed door, or walking through a series of leg-shaped gates in a particular order to unlock a door, or both at once in a few circumstances. The setting is stylized after one of Rei's wishes, which come from wanting to go to a real festival. However, after the first floor, the homoerotic turn it takes is due to Rei overhearing the guys talk about Kanji wearing a loincloth and the men who work during festivals.