| - __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
- <default>Hangman</default> Real NameUnknown What groups/people are they affilated with?Unknown What are their abilities?Unknown Which user created them?Unknown Zachary Wryden, also known as Hangman, is a villain and member of The Opposants. He is a very stealthy criminal and due his name, usually hangs people.
- Hangman is currently an officer of the crew Burning Legion. He is also a member of the flag Burning Legion.
- thumb|Hangman: uno screenshotHangman è il classico gioco dell'impiccato giocabile da riga di comando. Fa parte del pacchetto bsdgames, che comprende vari programmi scritti originariamente per sistemi Unix di tipo BSD e successivamente portati su GNU/Linux. L'impiccato è disegnato con caratteri e simboli ASCII. Le parole da indovinare sono in inglese e non sono mai banali, perciò il gioco non è semplice per un italiano, ma aiuta a pensare in inglese. Alcune statistiche visualizzate in alto a destra ci dicono quanto siamo bravi.
- The Hangman was an executioner in Cairo prison.
- Bob Dickering had a brother named John who was the superhero, Comet. However, when Bob's brother was shot whilst trying to save Bob from "Big Boy" Malone's gang, he became the hero Hangman to avenge his brother's death. He also went on to date his brother's ex-girlfriend, Thelma Gordon. His enemies included the Bullfrog, the Jackal, Captain Swastika, the Crusader, the Executioner, the Hunter, the Missionary, the Clockmaker, Mother Goose, the Snail, the Ferret and the Walrus.
- The Hangman is a fictional character, a supervillain in the DC Universe and an early enemy of Batman. The killer is featured in the comic book limited series Batman: Dark Victory.
- Prince Zuko is on a "firebending frenzy", and Team Avatar must escape his clutches. Aang, Katara, and Sokka complete games of Hangman to ensure that Zuko is the one who is zapped.
- 220px|thumb|right|Аанг немного подгорел, но слово отгадано верно. Hangman (русск. "Виселица") - онлайн игра, доступная на сайте Nick.
- File:Hangman2.png Write the text of your article here!
- Hangman eli hirsipuu on peli, jonka pelaaja voi rakentaa pelaajan omistamassa talossa, pelihuoneeseen. Sen valmistamiseen tarvitaan 59 rakentaminen. Tavarat jotka tarvitaan: 12 lautaa ja 6 rautaharkkoa. Jokainen tietää hirsipuu pelin jossa pelaajan täytyy arvata kirjaimia sanan täyttämiseksi. Sama toimii tässä RuneScapen hirsipuussa.
- The team tries to protect an activist from a sniper, while Charlie and Amita attempt to keep his proposal and her answer a mystery.
- Like the Inverse in Nemeton Basement, this monster has a high physical defense: use special skills to defeat it. It also uses Ignition to increase its physical attack.
- Hangman is a Raven who appears in Armored Core 2: Another Age.
- Hangman (born Robert O'Bern) is an Irish professional wrestling currently wrestling in Pro Wrestling FIRE. Hangman held the PWF Tag Team Championship with Paul Sant in 2009, and with him gave it world title status. He competed for the PWF Heavyweight Championship on the very first DVD taping titled Origins in 2008, but lost to Johnny Rogue in the match also involving Drake Adler, who was pinned.
- Hangman is a paper and pencil game typically played between 2 players, though it can be played in greater numbers. The goal is to identify the word chosen by the taskmaster by suggesting letters one at a time. For each correct suggestion the taskmaster fills in the appropriate blank(s). For each incorrect suggestion the taskmaster adds more to a drawing, which traditionally is a drawing of a stick-figure hanging from a gallows. If the drawing is completed before the word is figured out, the taskmaster wins the game.
- Harlan Krueger was the product of another era. Growing up, he idolized Silver Screen action heroes like Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne and Tom Mix. Through their adventures, he developed a very clear sense of good and evil. In his perception, there were no grey areas. Heroes were incorruptible, while villains were irredeemable. When he came of age, he enlisted in the United States armed services and served during World War II. Seeing the Nazi soldiers as the very epitome of evil, he savagely murdered as many enemy soldiers as possible. Despite his devout patriotism, his actions were considered not only above the call of duty, but recklessly unconscionable. Harlan was court-martialed and drummed out of the service. He attempted to continue his vow to combat evil by joining the police departmen
- The game is played just like Hangman in the real world - guess a letter in the word. If it's in the word, all the spots that match that letter fill in. (for example,if the word was ABYSSAL then when no letters have been guessed it would be, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,if the letter A is guessed it becomes A _ _ _ _ A _ .) If the player guesses wrong, a piece is added to the Hangman game. If the entire Hangman person is built, then the player loses. Building one Hangman game yields 1200 Construction experience.