| - When the enemies are too easily taken down by the heroes and there is a need to increase the challenge, the easiest way to is to upgrade the Mooks into Elite Mooks. Any variety of Mooks can be upgraded to become an Elite Mook. Mooks can be transformed into Cyborgs, Zombies or EliteZombies if they already zombies, made into Super Soldiers, or upgraded in other various ways. Typically they are the same size and look similar but are noticeably more powerful than their common Mook counter parts. They may come with better weapons, additional skills, or various powers the normal Mooks do not possess. The look of the Elite Mooks may be noted with various appearance changes from a simple Palette Swap, adding Spikes of Villainy, and other cosmetic alterations that make them stand out from the crowd of regular Mooks. Upgrading Elite Mooks can yield Boss in Mook Clothing or Superpowered Mooks. Elite Mooks are not to be confused with the generally solitary Giant Mook or Heavily Armored Mook. Please save for transfer to Trope co. Altered Description is above. Has your Redshirt Army been cut to shreds by uncaring heroes? Are the Mooks, Goons and Minions at your disposal incapable of providing more than half a second worth of challenge to the hero? Well worry no more! Because we at EvilTemp© have just the thing! New and improved Elite Mooks! Now with twice the hero-removing power as regular Mooks! They're the same size as regular Mooks but with the fighting power of Giant Mooks and the coolness of an Evil Makeover! We can accommodate all budgets and tastes, so all Elite Mooks can be customized and upgraded from base mooks to suit your needs. From simple cosmetic changes like a Palette Swap to adding Spikes of Villainy, and tangible changes like a raised Power Level and New Powers as the Plot Demands to match those pesky Level Grinding heroes. If you already have normal mooks, you can promote them to Elite Mook squads via upgrading them with Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot oil, letting them serve as Goddamned Bats or Demonic Spiders. Call now! Don't delay! With your purchase of 50 or more Elite Mooks EvilTemp© will provide a complimentary coffee mug (Best Evil Overlord!) If you want to order something more Mechanical in nature, see our Mechanical Monster wares. And if you want something with half the price but twice the stench, choose our Elite Zombie model. We also have bulk discounts available if you wish to outfit your entire organization. For other EvilTemp© services, see Equal Opportunity Evil. If your mooks are still inadequate, feel free to invest in some Psycho Serum and upgrade them further to Superpowered Mooks, or go for some Kung Fu Proofing. Elite Mooks are not to be confused with the generally solitary Giant Mook or Heavily Armored Mook each sold separately. Alternately, go for prime quality, and hire yourself your own, hand-picked Praetorian Guard!