| - Crowe: Hm, morale, you say. Kurt: Yes. It's been a series of difficult missions for my men, their spirits have been lowering gradually. It is my judgement that if this continues there may be a negative impact in their performance in battle. Crowe: You got me. Right, finish this next one and you get one day off. Just one. Kurt: I thank you on behalf of the squad for your kind understanding. Crowe: I mean to make you work for it. The Imperials have set up a fortress in the north, on top of a mountain. I need you to overrun that base. Kurt: Yes sir! Dahau: Oh, it's the 422s? Giulio: Awesome! A day off!
| - Crowe: Hm, morale, you say. Kurt: Yes. It's been a series of difficult missions for my men, their spirits have been lowering gradually. It is my judgement that if this continues there may be a negative impact in their performance in battle. Crowe: You got me. Right, finish this next one and you get one day off. Just one. Kurt: I thank you on behalf of the squad for your kind understanding. Crowe: I mean to make you work for it. The Imperials have set up a fortress in the north, on top of a mountain. I need you to overrun that base. Crowe: The operation's called "Battle of Hill's Neigh" or some such exaggerated name, and the contents are pretty tiresome to read. Crowe: You'll be joining up with the militia's 3rd Company, 4th Squad to tidy the Imperials up. Kurt: Yes sir! Dahau: The supply base within the Empire border has been destroyed by an unknown attacker, I've heard. Lydia: I've got reliable sources that tell me it's the same bunch that put scratches on my beautiful Echidna. Dahau: Oh, it's the 422s? Lydia: Seems like within the Gallian army they call themselves the "Nameless" and they have the reputation of pawns to be sacrificed. Dahau: Pawns? No, not considering the fact that they did manage to stop your squad, Lydia.. Dahau: No. That squad's as I expected.. These so-called "Nameless" are worth keeping an eye over. Dahau: 2nd Lieutenant Irving... That's a sharp one. Not forgetting the Darcsen he has with him, that one's potential far excels anyone I've seen. Zig: Should we not deal with this threat as soon as we can? Dahau: Zig, not every enemy is meant to be defeated in battle. This is particularly true in our special circumstances. Zig: ..This is too complicated for me, I don't follow! Dahau: Let's not waste time talking, it's time to show you what I mean. I'll be getting ready to move out, the two of you will watch the camp in my absence. Lydia: Wait. You intend to mobilize the forces on a whim? Are you aware that any strange movements from you and 'that man' will hear about this? Dahau: If I don't draw too much attention, we'd be fine alright? I'll pull it off. Kurt: I have gotten us arrangements for a day off after we finish the next mission. Giulio: Awesome! A day off! 56: It's just one day alright... Riela: A day off's a day off! Gusurg: Before we get that break we have mission planning to do. That base on the mountain in the north.. this is going to be a handful. 56: Why have they got us to do it? That kind of mission should be performed by the much larger regular army. 23: They've been making the militia do such dirty work because they don't want to do it themselves. Maybe I should really aim to become the real training officer for the regular army. Gusurg: The men in the militia are all citizens of Gallia and they are being abused in such a way. 56: We're pawns of even lower status than they are. And they mean to toss us into the fire this time as well. Kurt: The only path we can take is to earn enough achievements to get our honor back. Riela: That's right! Let's give our best! Kurt: We move for the north once preparations to depart are completed. We're heading over to recapture a mountain taken by the Empire. We will arrive via the southeast to the specified location, and rendezvous with the 3rd company's Squad 4. Our forces joined, we will lead a joint attack on the mountain.. ..and defeat the enemy forces with as much speed as possible. The mountain is solidly fortified, so planning is going to be difficult.. The squad will get a day off if we succeed in this mission, so we must find some way to pull it off.