Stone Dragon Ascent ist ein Schlag-Arte des Elements Erde.
When this arte is activated, the user gathers energy in their fist before performing an uppercut. The uppercut causes a localized quake that pulverizes surrounding enemies with rising rocks. In Tales of the Abyss, Anise Tatlin can use this arte by performing Dragon Surge within a complete Earth or Dark FOF Circle to invoke an FOF Change. The two artes share a similar uppercut motion. Sync can use Stone Dragon Ascent independently as an arcane arte.
Stone Dragon Ascent ist ein Schlag-Arte des Elements Erde.
When this arte is activated, the user gathers energy in their fist before performing an uppercut. The uppercut causes a localized quake that pulverizes surrounding enemies with rising rocks. In Tales of the Abyss, Anise Tatlin can use this arte by performing Dragon Surge within a complete Earth or Dark FOF Circle to invoke an FOF Change. The two artes share a similar uppercut motion. Sync can use Stone Dragon Ascent independently as an arcane arte.