The story of the group known as the Hanzō Clan truly begins centuries ago, in feudal Japan. 1582 following Oda Nobunaga's death, when Hanzō led the future shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu to safety in Mikawa Province across Iga territory with the help of remnants of the local Iga ninja clans as well as their one-time rivals in Koga. Some of both clans later followed Hanzō and became the Hanzō Clan. After Hattori Hanzo’s son Hattori Masanari proved a less successful leader than his father. They seek autonomy from the oppressive class system of the time, a few of them fled into the mountainous regions of Iga and Kōga. There they continue to developed ninjutsu, a stealthy martial art perhaps inspired by Sun Tzu's The Art of War. The Hanzō bloodline was returned with to the clan by Hattori Masashige sec
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/0fmog7Hgg--glGnftA_jrQ== | 5.88129e-14 |