Aliens: Frenzy, originally titled Aliens: Berserker, is a four-part limited comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics from January-April 1995. It was written by John Wagner, illustrated by Paul Mendoza, inked by Andy Mushynsky, colored by Cary Porter, lettered by Steve Dutro and edited by Edward Martin III, Ryder Windham and Marilee Hord, with cover art by Kilian Plunkett. The comic was later adapted as the novel Aliens: Berserker by S. D. Perry. In the Aliens comics line, Aliens: Frenzy was preceded by Aliens: Earth Angel, and was followed by Aliens: Incubation.
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/2la36bDuSt3l_Ov1zM2Exw== | 5.88129e-14 |