This is a show based off of the 2008 film Bolt and TAWOG. It premiered on June 18, 2015 and is currently on its first season. The show centers around Bolt and his freind/ brother (yes, BROTHER) Mittens, and their parental figure named Penny. They do not live with Rhino, rather he lives next to them. The show is about the cat and dog whom have zany adventures in school, at home, and other locations across Jutiper City. The Amazing World Of Bolt Gender First Appearance Last Appearance Cause/Reason Born Died Cause of Death Occupation Parents Sibling(s) Spouse(s) Romances Children Grandchildren Grandparents Aunts and Uncles Nieces and Nephews Cousins Other Relatives
Graph IRI | Count |
---|---| | 17 |