It is implied that he is the "prince" Lonnie Pertridge is looking for in order to marry her evil daughters, Eunice and Astrid, but instead he would end up marrying Ella Carlisle, Lonnie's good-hearted step daughter who is treated as a maid. This is a reference to the fairy tale Cinderella. He is employed in the Law Enforcement career as Patrol Officer (level 4) and has three skill points in the Athletic skill. He is best friends with his sister, Francisca Vanderburg; good friends with Peter Winterly; and friends with Liam O'Dourke and his mother, Catarina Vanderburg. He is seventeen days away from becoming an Adult. If The Sims 3: Late Night is installed, he will be a 4-star celebrity. His surname can be a Dutch surname, but then it would be spelled like Van der Burg.
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