In 28 ABY, the New Republic Senators Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo embarked on a mission to Bastatha to investigate the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel. While visiting Bastatha, a planet in the galaxy's Inner Rim, they were hosted by Magistrates Xun and Tosta, who took them on a tour of their casino. Shortly later, Leia was kidnapped by Rinnrivin's henchmen who brought the senator to Rinnrivin's underground headquarters. Rinnrivin tried to bribe the senator into easing restrictions on the spice trade. However, Casterfo managed to track down Leia and rescue her. The two managed to escape and alert the Bastatha security forces. After searching Rinnrivin's headquarters, they discovered evidence that Rinnrivin was funneling his profits into shadow corporations in the Outer Rim.
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