an Entity in Data Space:
So, I have in my vimrc: fu! Mycscope(func) let tmp1=&grepprg let tmp2=&grepformat set grepformat=%f\ %*[a-zA-Z_0-9]\ %l\ %m set grepprg=cscope\ -R\ -L\ -3 exe "grep ".a:func exe "set grepprg=".escape(tmp1,' ') exe "set grepformat=".escape(tmp2, ' ') endf command -nargs=* CScope :silent call Mycscope("") This will create the command CScope, that does a cscope's "find functions calling this function" with quickfix. Another example: lid Bug: Sometimes Vim is unable to come back from the command, and you have to hit CTRL+C. I have no idea why.
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