The Doom Legion is a Loyalist Space Marine Successor Chapter of the Ultramarines, created during an unknown Founding. The Doom Legion is responsible for the maintenance and garrison of the Faithful's Deliverance, the pre-Horus Heresy star fortress that overlooks the notorious Elusian Maze asteroid fields. Few other Space Marine Chapters could boast of spaceborne firepower of such magnitude. All that is known about the Doom Legion's homeworld, Elusia Prime, is that it is situated within the Ultima Segmentum. During the Imperial Abyssal Crusade in 321.M37, six companies of the Doom Legion deployed and were lost in the Eye of Terror. They reemerged into Imperial space centuries later as the warband of Chaos Space Marines known as the Vectors of Pox, servants of the Plague God Nurgle. The rema
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