Chobits Abridged is yet another abridged series, created by Geassguy360. Watch it here. * Actor Allusion: Of the extremely non-subtle variety. Everyone calls Hideki Crispin...except Chi, but by then he's forgotten his original name entirely. * Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Almost Invoked. Does it count if its only 2 things? * "That guy stole someones underwear, AND HE'S LOITERING." * Badass Adorable: Because threats are badass. * Bad Liar: Again, Crispin. "I isn't- I mean I aren't! I mean-" * Camp Gay: Shinbo. * Cringe Comedy: Half the point. Specific examples include Crispin in episode one where he he's hiding Chii, episode two when attacked by Minoru's persocoms episode three where water is all up in the boy's crotch, and anytime anyone mentions porn sites.
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