Compare examples of Ho Yay in other media. * Sequential Art: Kat and Hillary Un/fortunately just All Just a Dream * Kat and Van? * Monsterful has Topaz Gem and Samantha Thing, two 19 years old sexy Monsters, With Topaz taking a "dominant" role in their relationship as seen on this page for example. However it's stated that they're just very close friends, and Topaz just loves to play with Samantha in that way. * Homestuck: * There's a fair amount between John and Dave. The continuous Ship Tease between the two doesn't help much either. * * Possibly topped by Gamzee and Equius here. Good lord. * * And then there's Gamzee and Tavros in this strip. * * * And Gamzee yet again when it's strongly implied that he likes to have sloppy mak
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