Gondor's possessions north of Ithilienandeast of the River Anduinarewide and unsettled. Trade with the North keeps the King's interest in the region solid, but constant raids by Easterlings threaten to disrapt Gondor's authority in Dor Rhúnen. As in Gondor's other territories, a royally appointed Regent governs the region. The Regent speaks with the authority of the King himself, and the current Regent, Vagaig, often has to use brutal means to keep the peace in his territory. Peace does indeed result, but since the Plague, Gondorianshavebeen leaving Dor Rhúnen in droves. The lands of Dor Rhúncn range from the desolate battle plain of Dagorlad to the Dead Marshestothe grassy prairies of southern Rhovanion to the fringes of MirkwoodForest. Gondor is reluctant to expand the border further, si
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