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The story is very shoujo inspired, and centers around the love lives of a group of friends in high school and how they handle their growing feelings as time passes. However, the main focus of the story is on the six person group of Yuu, Natsuki, Haruki, Miou, Souta, and Akari. Yuu and Natsuki get together first and remain so for the rest of the series, Souta and Akari can't on the boundary that Akari isn't quite sure what love exactly is, and Haruki and Miou are both in love with each other, but cannot and do not admit it to each other for their entire high school career. Later songs give proper introductions to other potential couples and their relationship woes-- Koyuki, a friend of Souta's who changes his appearance in the hopes of winning over Natsuki; Yuu and Natsuki's siblings Hina a
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