A Life in Mists was a work by the Jaghut, Gothos. "And now the bold historianWields into play that tomeOf blistering worthWhere the stern monksCower under the lashAnd through the high windowThe ashes of heretics driftDown in purity's rainSee the truths stitched in threadOf gold across hapless skinI am the arbiter of liesWho will cleanse his handIn copper bowls and white sandBut the spittle on his lipsGathers the host to another taleI was never so blindTo not feel the deep trembleOf hidden rivers in churning torrentOr the prickly tear of quill’s jabI will tell you the mannerOf all things in sure proofThis order'd stone row –Oh spare me now the speckled fistsThis princeps' purge and prattleI live in mists and seething cloudAnd the breaths of the unseenGive warmth and comfort to betterThe ble
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