A case of Misaimed Fandom... possibly with justification. A character who is supposed to be a villain draws our natural sympathies over the so-called hero. Possible reasons include: * Evil Is Cool, leading to Draco in Leather Pants. Example: In Pokémon, Team Rocket have virtually the same motivations as the heroes... and a cool battle cry. * Evil Is Sexy * Moral Dissonance, to an intolerable degree. * Sympathy for the Devil, if the author succeeds too well. * The supposed hero is kind of a dick or/and Jerkass. * The Villain may not seem that villainous if you think about it, which the author didn't. * The villain is The Resenter, and his reasons for his resentment seem perfectly justified. * The villain gets their Laser-Guided Karma...and comparing what the vi
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