YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was an advanced YVH S-series battle droid with masculine programming produced by Tendrando Arms during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 27 ABY, he and another YVH droid were part of a mainly Jedi strike team tasked with going to the Yuuzhan Vong–controlled planet of Myrkr and eliminating the threat of the voxyn, a group of genetically-engineered predators who could hunt the Jedi through the Force. After commandeering the corvette analog Exquisite Death from its Yuuzhan Vong owners, YVH 2-4S and the strike team inserted themselves onto the Baanu Rass worldship, which was orbiting Myrkr. There, 2-4S and the group rescued a pair of Dark Jedi whom the Yuuzhan Vong had imprisoned. However, soon after arriving on the worldship, YVH 2-4S was destroyed when he sacrifice
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