an Entity in Data Space:
Bloom: Bring it back right now! Faragonda: Girls! Girls, what's going on? Bloom: Sorry about that, Miss Faragonda. Faragonda: Bloom, Tecna, I'm so glad to see you! The connection seems to be working. Tecna: Yeah, there must have been some disturbance on the line. Bloom: Miss Faragonda, we think we've come up with an idea to help people on Earth believe in magic again. Faragonda: I'd love to hear what you have in mind. Bloom: Fairy pets. We'll get people on Earth to adopt them. Faragonda: But, will they accept magic? Tecna: We hope. You see, this way humans will be around it on a daily basis. They'll learn to appreciate it. Bloom: We open our Love & Pet shop tomorrow. Hopefully, all our pets will be adopted soon. Tecna: But mostly, we hope the pets won't completely tear our shop to pieces.
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