Shasarak, also known as the Wytch-king, was an evil renegade Shianti who became Overlord of the Shadakine Empire. In the year MS 3154, the land of Taklakot rose to power following the arrival of the renegade Shianti wizard—Shasarak the Great—who had refused to obey the call to exile of his fellow Shianti brothers. The power of his „sunstone‟ accelerated the evolution of the Taklakotians, but by their own ineptness, its power was eventually misused and brought about the total destruction of their land. It became known as Desolation Valley, and the only city which remained—Gyanima—was shunned by all outsiders due to the curse of a terrible wasting sickness that befell nearly all who dared enter its environs. This disaster also killed their entire race since great fires had rushed through the
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