Robotboy is a British/French animated television series produced by French production company Alphanim for France 3 and Cartoon Network Europe, as well as the studios LuxAnimation and Cofinova 1. The show itself is about a battling and defensive robot called Robotboy, the latest creation of the world renowned scientist Professor Moshimo. Fearing that Robotboy would get stolen by his arch-enemy Dr. Kamikazi and his main henchman Constantine to be used to take over the world, Professor Moshimo entrusts Robotboy to his biggest fan: a 10-year-old boy named Tommy Turnbull. While being protected by Tommy and his two friends Lola and Gus, Robotboy learns how to behave and act as if he were a real boy but also protect his friends and the city of Bay Area from the dangers of the super-villains out
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