(Cerebra the Hutt) The guards without seem little concerned with the admission of visitors. With a sneer and a shrug, the Gamorreans unbar the looming gates, and allow almost anyone to enter. Strange laxity for a Dungeon, perhaps, but it isn't as though most of the prisoners are very mobile, nor do any of them seem interested in leaving. Few of them even look up from their murmurrings amidst the gloom. And indeed it is gloomy within this vast, humid chamber. The smell of spice is nigh stifling, and the softs sounds of lurid music trickle from the depths of the private cells. Within one of these, an exceptionally large old Hutt lounges restlessly, ministering to a well-kept old Force Pike with whistful caresses. "Gom gom jagoora, dun-do lathie?" the creature murmurs in a harsh, deep voic
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