Martin Hall is a Georgeland television drama series, which began airing on Channel 12 in May 2007. The series, created by Joe Starnes, centres around the President of Georgeland, Joan Tanner, played by Rebecca Jordan-Wiley. The series is described as a West Wing or Commander-in-Chief for the Georgeland marketplace. The first episode, entitled "A Great Leap Forward", aired on May 12. The show recieved a total of 7 million viewers. Since then, she show's regular Friday-night timeslot has averaged around 4.7 million viewers, lower than expected but still high for that particular timeslot. The first episode of Season 4, Breakdown, saw viewing figures of 9.5 million, the highest in the show's history. After the first series of 13 episodes completed its run on August 4, 2007, Channel 12 announce
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