Penguins:Penguin, penguin make a wish-y:Something scaly, cold and squishy,How's about a tasty fishy?What kind do you eat? Skipper: Catfish! Skipper picks up a fish and throws it at Kowalski. Kowalski: Ow! Private: Albacore! Private picks up a fish and throws it at Rico. Rico: Wowch! Kowalski: Snapper! Kowalski picks up a fish and throws it at Skipper. Skipper: Ugh! Rico: FISH!!! Rico picks up a fish and throws it at Private. Private: Ook! Penguins: And don't forget the grenade! As Skipper finishes singing and pointing at everyone, his flipper ends on Private. Rico then regurgitates a grenade at Private, who screams and throws it out the First Prize entrance in the HQ, where it explodes without harming anyone. Skipper: And that settles that. Private, you're on aerial recon du
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