A Quark-Gluon Aura is a Power Interaction activated by specific Atomic powers. A Quark-Gluon Aura grants +7% Critical Strike Chance, +10% Critical Strike Damage and +15% Might while active. In Tank role, the Quark-Gluon Aura grants +15% Control Resistance, +20% Damage Absorption while not Blocking and attacks heal equal to 2% of max Health. The initial activation of the Quark-Gluon Aura provides immunity to control effects for a short time for up to 7 group members. In Damage role, the Quark-Gluon Aura causes a portion of power spent on Atomic Combos to regenerate over time. A Quark-Gluon Aura can be refreshed by using Atomic Combos which provide Molecular Charges.
Entity | Attribute | Value | Rank |