A number from 0 to 4294967295 as a bit-mask, with a bit for each logical CPU core and up to 32 cores total. Bit set to 1 enables a core for WoW, and set to 0 disable a core for WoW. * 0 - (default) threads get automatically placed on cores by normal OS controlled process * 1 - Logical core 1 only (bits 0001) * 2 - Logical core 2 only (bits 0010) * 3 - Logical core 1 and 2 only (bits 0011) * 4 - Logical core 3 only (bits 0100) * 5 - Logical core 1 and 3 only (bits 0101) * 6 - Logical core 2 and 3 only (bits 0110) * 7 - Logical core 1, 2, and 3 only (bits 0111) * .... and so on
Entity | Attribute | Value | Rank |