Sanjirō Gotō, known better as simply Sanji (サンジ, Sanji), is a Shinobi from Iwagakure and the grandson of the Fourth Tsuchikage. Born into the prestigious Gotō Clan, Sanji possessed significant talent from a young age and was a natural-born prodigy of the Explosion Release. Formerly a member of the Explosion Corps, Sanji's unique combination of his Kekkei Genkai and Taijutsu led to a destructive reputation, and during his time as a genin he gained the title of "Child of Calamity" (惨事の子供, sanji no kodomo, lit. "disaster child"). However, after accidentally maiming his best friend in the Chūnin Exams, Sanji became much more serious and dedicated as a shinobi. He devoted himself to protecting his friends and swore that he would learn to control his power so that he never harmed anyone unintent
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