The convoy was ecorted by the following allied warships:- * 13 Corvettes * HMCS Bittersweet, HMCS Kenogami, HMCS Louisburg, HMCS Lunenburg, HMCS Matapedia, HMCS Mayflower, HMCS Moose Jaw, HMS Nasturtium, HMCS Prescott, HMCS Rosthern, HMCS Trillium, HMCS Weyburn, HMCS Woodstock * 2 Destroyers * ORP Blyskawica, HMCS Niagara * 1 Sloop * HMS Deptford * 1 ASW Trawler * HMS Kingston Beryl * 1 Frigate * HMS Rother * 1 LST * HMS Narvik * 2 Treasury-class cutter * USCGC Campbell, USCGC Spencer
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