How the Sith Stole Christmas is an animated fan film from that made its debut on the internet in December 2002. Written and directed by Ted Bracewell, the film tells the story of the Emperor's plans to invade the North Pole and take Santa Claus prisoner. Melvin the Elf ends up in the thick of things, and must help rescue Santa. Darth Vader is sent on a separate mission to destroy Christmas for the Ewok inhabitants of Endor, but when an unexpected chain of events leaves him stranded on the planet, Vader is confronted by a vision from the past and sent on an incredible journey through time and space.
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/T4fQ-HGFkUO1H86wNLpKaA== | 5.88129e-14 |
dbr:How_the_Sith_Stole_Christmas | 5.88129e-14 |