Obi-Wan Kenobi, later known as Ben Kenobi, was a Human male Jedi Master. He participated in the Invasion of Utapau, and was a Jedi General during the Clone Wars and an exiled Jedi during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Born on Dantooine, Kenobi became a member of the Jedi Order and trained under Jedi Grandmaster Yoda as a child, but he had not been chosen by a master to become an apprentice by his thirteenth birthday. Kenobi was assigned to the Jedi AgriCorps on Bandomeer, but after saving Jedi Master Jard Dooku from an assassination plot Kenobi was chosen by Dooku to be an apprentice. Kenobi trained under Dooku for many years before becoming a Jedi Knight.
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