Shinsei Sentai Crystalranger (神聖戦隊クリスタルレンジャー Shinsei Sentai Kurisutarurenjā ?, lit. Sacred Squadron Crystalranger) is the Sentai manga series created by CureKurogane, part of his Super Sentai Manga series. The main motif is gemstones and the series tells the story about the Gemstone Beasts who resides on Earth after the destruction of their planet Celestine and find five young high-school teenagers, who are the descendants of the legendary warriors, the Crystalrangers and band them together to fight the evil Bomao Tribe.
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/TwLx3yOFQFIqTHFTRvMSog== | 5.88129e-14 |