WALTER: (after waking from a catnap in a nearby chair. stands next to his boy and touches his brow) Peter, I’m here, son. ASTRID: (enters the private room) You’re up. WALTER: (looks at his watch and takes a pulse) Of course. I was just resting my eyes. ASTRID: How is he? WALTER: His pulse is strong. ASTRID: I just spoke with Doctor Levin. She’s planning on keeping him sedated for at least another twelve hours. She thinks the fact that his vitals are stable is a very positive sign. She’s hopeful that he’s gonna come out of this without any permanent damage.
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/UPhcLMX2UhA-SC0ZUqeMNg== | 5.88129e-14 |