Toonime is a Japanese-American adult animated television series created by Aleks J. Hudock and produced at Back Hand Animation Studios, a division of The Back Hand Cola Company, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series was inspired by differences between American and Japanese styles of animation and is portrayed in a more parodical, comedic manner otherwise including serious topics involving fantasy and science fiction. Set in the fictional city of the same name where cartoon and anime characters live in a non-segregated timeline, Toonime centers on the adventures of the show's main characters Ditzy Dawg, a foul-mouthed, sarcastic, cowardly, cross-dimensional, yet otherwise loyal and good-hearted cartoon dog, and Mika Yotoneko, a jolly, carefree, immature, adorable, playfully mischievo
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/WCLW2J0HkeZ8qklksTG61A== | 5.88129e-14 |