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Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn (真・ガンダム無双, Shin Gundam Musou) is the fourth installment of the Dynasty Warriors: Gundam series. Yoshitaka Gotō serves as the director while Hidefumi Komino (Bandai-Namco) and Hisashi Koinuma act as co-producers. The Shin in the Japanese title is something that the director wanted to do back in 2010 but felt more appropriate for this entry. Gotō considered the anime cell shading to be too flashy and pushed for the realistic visual style of the first title. Koinuma commented that the previous style did allow for them to place as many Mobile Suits (MS) as possible into the field, but he felt that their ability to show off each MS's features were limited. He hopes the realistic approach can bring back familiarity with each Suit.
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