The Cheetah Girls is a 16-book novel series created and written by Deborah Gregory. The series, which began in 1999, is about a female vocal group seeking success and fortune. In the book series, there are five Cheetah Girls, Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, Anginette, and Aquanette. The book series was made into a Disney Channel original movie in 2003, starring Raven-Symone as Galleria, Adrienne Bailon as Chanel, Sabrina Bryan as Dorinda, and Kiely Williams as Aquanette (the character of Anginette was removed from the movie). Two sequels were made, The Cheetah Girls 2 (2006) and The Cheetah Girls: One World (2008). The band was also de-fictionalized with Adrienne Bailon, Sabrina Bryan and Kiely Williams.
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