an Entity in Data Space:
Daphne: Bloom... Bloom... * Bloom gasps.* Bloom: Who's calling me? Who's there? * Bloom looks around, searching...* Daphne: It's me Bloom... Do you remember me? Do you know my voice...? Bloom: You... It's you! You're the one who lead me out of Cloud Tower Castle! Daphne: Yes, Bloom...! Come to me... * Bloom walks forward.* Bloom: But... Daphne: Come...! Bloom: I can't see you. Daphne: Come Bloom! Bloom: Where are you?! * Daphne's cloth gentle touches Bloom's hand.* * Bloom gasps.* Daphne: I am here... Daphne: I'm waiting for you! * Daphne holds out her hand.*
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