Mitsuzane Kureshima, nick-named "Micchi" by his friends, is a the shy younger brother of Takatora Kureshima. Originally, concealing his identity as a member of the Kureshima from them, Mitsuzane was a talented member of Team Gaim and a close friend of Kouta Kazuraba who becomes Kamen Rider Ryugen to protect his team and his friends from the plant-like creatures called Inves. While he looks up to Kouta, Mitsuzane's one-sided feelings for Mai and a series of events result with him developing a grudge against Kouta. Ryoma Sengoku took advantage of Mitsuzane's hate, having him pose as Zangetsu-Shin to attack Kouta incognito before providing him the Yomotsuheguri Lockseed. When Mitsuzane learns he was only a pawn as his actions caused Mai's assumed death, he eventually forgives himself and r
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